Monday, December 22, 2008

Why Burger King Needs Budget Cuts Pronto

Yeah. I'm just not sure how to approach this campaign. For you out there who haven't heard much about the ad agency out of Florida, Crispen + Porter Bogusky they are risk takers...and it pays off, BIG TIME.

They have awards up the wazoo - awesome awards like Cleo’s, One Shows and ect...

Today, I want to examine the two latest projects for Burger King: Whopper Virgins and "Flame" cologne.

First up is Whopper Virgins. Here's the deal with this's expensive, somewhat offensive and obstructive (ok I just threw in the word obstructive for the heck of it). The blogs are going nuts with negative vibes and I can't blame consumers for feeling negative. I wonder how far in advance CP+B planned the campaign. I also bet that they're receiving flack for having such a budget-blowing campaign during these "tough economic times." Moving on.

My other issue with this campaign is that it's a bit rude. Take that for what you want it to mean, but I think it's rude to give someone a burger that they proving to be the "best burger" in a taste-test and then never give them one again.

The kicker: it's gonna win some awards for creativity or whatever. It shouldn't win, but it will because true creative is hard to find these days. Go ahead; prove me wrong I'd love to see it.

Next up is the Burger King "Flame" cologne. Seriously, it's not a hoax this stuff is real. I know this sounds weird, but I expected this from CP+B. It's the most idiotic thing you could think of to do with a fast food chain - not surprised they executed this idea. What I am surprised about is the smell. They say it's not a burger smell, but why would it be...a burger doesn't sell cologne. But to me that takes away some of the relevance doesn't it? If it doesn't smell like a burger why would I buy frickin' cologne from Burger King. Stuff doesn't make sense.

This campaign is backwards to me. The cologne should have been perfume for straight women and lesbians. It should have smelled like three kinds of meat and be available for purchase at my local Burger King, not exclusively at Ricky's in NYC and on their website. So this cologne is hard to get, possibly awful smelling and $4. Of course this isn't a way of making money...come on now. They're getting what they want which is PR and the consumer is getting what they want: something to talk about other than the crook governors or the economy going down the crap hole.

I went to the Ricky's website and read the reviews of the product. Mostly the reviews were horrible, like seriously bad rap. Then, I read this post that was faker than Kevin Federline's musical ability. I had a good laugh and decided to share. Enjoy!

Smell me, Feel me, Touch me! December 19, 2008
Reviewer: jerry sandusky from Rochester Hills, MI United States

"I received my Flame cologne 3 days ago...the last 72 hours have been amazing. As soon as it arrived I decided to spritz my neck with a tiny sampling before heading out to do some grocery shopping. At first I thought it was coincidence...I saw two different ladies in the produce area tilt their head back as their eyebrows raised, then slowly, slowly lowered. Then again, in the deli, a gaze of familar wonderment overcame a female patron as I stood next to her as she oogled the $8.99/lb. roast beef. Ten minutes later, at the fresh meat counter, I bumped into Betty... As she asked the butcher for a 16 oz. porterhouse, she must have "sensed" me... She said "Hi", nostrils flared. Needless to say, the ground chuck wasnt the only grinding going on this night... Thanks BK!!!"

I bet money he's on the CP+B payroll. Just sayin'.

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